Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Insert Bubble Gum Snap Here

So apparently Lois is a gemini :) Trinkets trinkets galore, salted pigs, measuring spoons, salt, salt, salt, perfume, sloppy spitty bubble gum, bow ties, ribbon, shakkkkkkkkkker, bird whistle. Behold lady bird

Arriving at Volunteer park on a very sunny Saturday afternoon, my nerves began to kick in as I saw the
overwhelmingly large amount of people wandering the park taking in their daily dose of vitamin D. Finding the space I chose to perform the solo for Lois, I felt I needed to settle in and declare the space as mine. While setting up the space for Lois' arrival, I began to read through my notes/jottings based off of our correspondence. The wind was just strong enough to blow the fresh spring buds off from the trees creating this very magical atmosphere. Putting the final touches onto my "costume" which happened to be a bow tie and button down shirt (office job anyone?) Lois and her family arrived. Sharing conversation, I realized how surreal this moment became. For some reason throughout our correspondence I so closely related Lois to my own mother in my mind and to be standing with Lois herself was so bizarre but, so refreshing to know that Lois was Lois to state it simply.... A few minutes later I decided to begin the solo. Taking a deep breathe and breathing in the spring air I began by aggressively shoving pieces of bazooka bubble gum into my mouth. Once soft and malleable, I attempted to blow some bubbles, failing miserably by it turning into huge sloppy spitty wads, I spat the gum out. Removing my shoes and breaking down this business woman character which I was dressed as, I began to play with the world which I had created for myself and Lois. Being engulfed within this playful, almost child like character, I slowly transformed into almost the playful mother roll as I was blowing a whistle and shaking a percussive egg at the same time with a pink ribbon tied around my neck in place of the typical bow tie. At this moment a large group of children herded around the "bend" aka corner as if they were flocking to this sort of magical bird woman mother. It was totally amazing and made me really excited for Lois and myself. Being swept away into this world I slowly came back into the reality of my character, unlacing the pink ribbon around my neck and replacing my bare feet for everyday shoes. Inserting another piece of bazooka bubble gum into my mouth I repeatedly attempted to blow a bubble until I finally reached a successful one only to be popped once again...

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